Training & Support

Become a ReconHub Expert

Maximize the performance of ReconHub as your business grows!


Our training is your pathway to harnessing the full power of ReconHub, ensuring you're equipped with the best tools to excel in your field.


Delve deep into every feature, ensuring you're leveraging the software to its maximum potential.


Navigate the software seamlessly, reducing the learning curve and minimizing errors.

Advanced Insights

Uncover the software's advanced functionalities that can provide strategic insights for informed decision-making.

Stay Updated

With the dynamic nature of the payments industry and frequent new features, our training ensures you're always abreast of the latest features and best practices.

Basic Training

Training for New Users
Price per Participant¹
CHF 200
excl. VAT
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Duration: 1 h

New to ReconHub? No problem, this training has you covered.

We focus on the basic functions of using the ReconHub, without administration or configuration. The goal is for you to understand ReconHub and to be able to use ReconHub in your daily work.

Advanced Training

Training for Experienced Users
Price per Participant¹
CHF 400
excl. VAT
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Duration: 2 h

Have you used ReconHub for a while and need to extend your knowledge about advanced topics, such as rule configuration or tenant and user administration? Then this is the right option for you.

We focus on in-depth explanation of advanced topics, such as administration of users, tenants and structures and guides through the configuration of rules, collectors and more.

Bespoke Training

Custom Training
Price on Demand
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Duration: based on effort

Do you have specific problems where we can help? No problem, we can also build a bespoke session for you.


Discover how ReconHub workshops can streamline your financial reconciliation with tailored guidance.


Our trainers are not only accounting and software experts but also seasoned in the use of ReconHub, ensuring the training is contextually apt.

Hands-on Learning

Our sessions are interactive, with real-time demonstrations, Q&A segments, and practical exercises where relevant.


Multiple training slots are available to fit your busy schedules.

Continuous Support

You always have access to our Learn Center for ongoing self-help and advanced support.

Advanced Transaction Matching

Delve into sophisticated matching techniques.
Price per Workshop²
CHF 800
excl. VAT
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Duration: 4 h

  • How can I find the problematic posting in the fastest way?
  • Which are possible matching candidates for a certain transaction?
  • What is better: skip, manual match, or creating Sales or EFT transaction?
  • Working with suspense/clarification accounts

The workshop is conducted individually for each company.

Advanced Posting Rules and Configuration

Guidance on booking rules and share valuable insights on how to book in a standardized manner.
Price per Workshop²
CHF 800
excl. VAT
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Duration: 4 h

  • How to create booking rules for posting to my general ledger?
  • Booking transaction fees
  • Usage of cost centers
  • Usage of custom booking texts
  • Regex coding for booking rules

The workshop is conducted individually for each company.

Auditing / End Of Financial Year Preparation

Prepare your data and processes for year-end closing or an audit.
Price per Workshop²
CHF 1000
excl. VAT
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Duration: 4 h

  • ReconHub Health Check
  • Have all transactions been processed?
    Is the list of open items up-to-date and correct?
  • Are there any unreconciled transactions preventing you from closing the books?
  • Are the suspense/reconciliation accounts up to date?
  • Preparation for auditor access and documentation.

Workshop is conducted individually for each company.


We have leveraged our extensive experience to develop enhanced support packages that effectively address common customer challenges and issues. Our carefully designed packages are tailored to efficiently resolve specific concerns, ensuring optimal customer satisfaction.

Expert Guidance

Our support staff are seasoned in both the ReconHub software and payment reconciliation, ensuring you receive relevant and effective assistance.

Interactive Learning

Engage in hands-on sessions, use of your own data to illustrate solutions, and practical exercises to deeply understand each ReconHub topic.


Enhanced Efficiency

By focusing on these specific areas, you can elevate the accuracy and speed of your reconciliation process within ReconHub.

Ongoing Support

After your support session, continue your learning journey with access to our Learn Center for further self-help and advanced support.

Rules and Configuration Health Check

Support package health check rules and configuration
Price per Participant¹
CHF 200
excl. VAT
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Duration: 1 h

Make sure your ReconHub transaction reconciliation, compensation reconciliation, and booking rules and configuration are in order and up to date.

After this health check, you will know whether you should make changes to your configuration or if you can continue as before.

Rules Optimization and Clean Up

Support package clean up rule optimization
Price per Hour¹
CHF 200
excl. VAT
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Duration: based on effort

Basic optimization and cleanup of transaction reconciliation, compensation reconciliation, and booking rules.

After this session, you will have an up-to-date set of rules, no unused rules anymore, and you will also know if it makes sense to invest some more time in rule adjustment, for example, through one of the packages listed below.

Organizational Structure Clean Up

Support package clean up organizational structure
Price per Hour¹
CHF 200
excl. VAT
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Duration: based on effort

Update your organizational structure in ReconHub to the latest state and reduce clutter.

After this session, you will have an up-to-date organizational structure in ReconHub that reflects your current organization.

Become a ReconHub Expert

Maximize the performance of ReconHub as your business grows!

Select Your Option

¹ Group discounts available for teams of 5 or more.

² Max. 5 participants